Become a Prize or Venue Sponsor
Receive fantastic advertising exposure for very little cost.
An excellent and easy way to promote your business to +10,000 singles with money to spend.
We can customize a sponsorship that fits your needs. Party prize sponsors receive fantastic exposure by donating products or services for our prize drawings. Upscale venues gain new customers by hosting one of our events.
Venues need to hold 200+ people (standing) and be able to handle our thirsty crowd, plus a few other criteria. If you are interested in becoming a prize or venue sponsor, please reach out to us. Prize Sponsors receive:
- Links on our Website and a description of your venue or prizes you have donated.
- Your business will be mentioned in our marketing efforts, reaching ten thousand or more people. In our email event notifications, prize sponsors also get a link to their website for the party they are sponsoring along with a description of the prizes they have donated (just like we do for them on our website).
- Exposure at our parties including promotional material distribution.
- Additional exposure on many other websites that promote our events.
Contact Us for More Information
Some of our Sponsors: