Lock and Key Events


Our most frequently asked questions about Lock and Key Parties. If your question is not answered here, please contact us for assistance.

How does a Lock and Key Event work?

A Lock and Key Event is just like a regular happy hour, but with the Lock and Key ice breaker format incorporated into it. These events are not structured or rigid in any way. Once you check in and receive your lock or key, you’re free to approach whomever you like, whenever you like, for as long as you like.

How many people go to your parties?

We typically garner about 50-100 people at each party. Some events have more, but the typical size is 70 people. Regardless, you will meet more new people at a Lock And Key party than anything you have ever gone to before and without anxiety!

How many men/women attend each event?

We monitor rosters for each event to ensure an even ratio of men to women. We can never guarantee an exact ratio of men to women, but it is our goal to make sure that these parties are evenly populated by both genders.

What’s the typical age range of people who attend? If I’m outside of it can I still go?

No matter what your age, you are welcome to attend any event you wish. But, please keep in mind that most people attending an event assigned a certain age range are looking to meet people within that specified age range.

  • Some events are geared towards a 21-39 age range which typically gets an average age range of 27-42.
  • Some events are geared towards a 28-50 age range which typically gets an average age range of 35-50.

I’m going! What do I wear?

Although many of our parties are after-work affairs and people are dressed in work clothes, you can be a bit casual too. If there is no dress code stated for the party, just dress to impress.

What do I do when I “unlock” with someone?

Congratulations! Once you find a match to your lock or key, you then walk over to the Lock and Key Distribution Station and exchange your old hardware for a new lock or key. PLUS, you get a drawing ticket that gets you another entry into the raffle at the end of the night. The goal is to make as many matches as possible to get more raffle tickets. The more tickets you have, the more chances you have to win prizes…including cold hard cash!

What if I meet someone that I like?

We hope you meet several people that you like!
You’re free to ask for or hand out contact information on your own. When you check in, you’ll receive a small Lock & Key Pencil and Contact Card on which you can write down phone numbers, names, etc.

The Lock And Key Event I want to attend says it’s full, can I still just show up?

It is really important that you register or RSVP with us as early as possible. When a party fills (sometimes we have to limit participation by one gender or another to ensure a good gender balance), you will be able to sign up on a waiting list. Here’s the order of priority for entry into our parties:

  1. People who pre-pay have first priority and always gain entry.
  2. People who RSVP are guaranteed to get a lock or key up until a certain time but do not start out with a drawing ticket. It’s free to RSVP, you just pay at the door. Also, the RSVP line takes a little longer than the pre-paid express line.
  3. Waiting list people take priority over anyone who decides to just show at the door without an RSVP.
  4. Show at the door without RSVP. People who risk it will not be guaranteed entry. Although it is our intention to get everyone into the party, we simply may not have space or hardware to accommodate people who show at the door.

Do you offer Discount/Promotional Codes? I lost mine!

A few times a year, and to select events in certain regions, we may offer a few discount codes. They are not available for most regions or events. Discount or Promotional codes may be offered through promotional partners. If you were provided a code but misplaced it, please check with the original source.

I’m not single, can I still go? Do you offer social/business networking parties?

Our parties are for people who are single, and by attending you are representing yourself as such. However, sometimes we have specialized social/business networking parties that are not related to dating. Our concept is a great way to break the ice and meet tons of new people for a variety of purposes. Ask us about running an event for your business, college, club or other large groups.

I went to the page for my city but no parties are listed, now what?

We hold our Lock And Key Events every 1-2 months. If your city does not have one scheduled, Join our Mailing List so we can give you the heads up before we advertise the party to the public. We do not sell our list and it remains private.

What is your cancellation policy?

We have a generous cancellation policy because we want to encourage you to pre-pay. Plus, pre-payment gets you an additional entry into the prize drawing and puts you in the express admission line. It also gives us a better idea of turnout.

  1. More than 5 CALENDAR days before the party:

    FULL REFUND (less a $5 processing fee)
  2. Four or more hours before the party:

    PARTY CREDIT (only if you contact your party host by phone or email about your absence).

    • Party Credits are good for a period of one year from the date of issue.
    • Your Party Credit is transferable to a friend or associate if you decide not to use it.
    • We can even turn your Party Credit into a gift certificate that can be mailed to someone else (at no additional charge).

No matter how you slice it, you don’t have much to lose by registering in advance.

How to Cancel an Event you have Pre-paid:

Email or call your local event coordinator with your request. If you do not hear back from your local coordinator within a few days, please email your request to info@lockandkeyevents.com